Shadow Show (Detroit) w/ Safety Meeting (Albany)

Friday, Mar 08, 2024 - 10:00 PM



Shadow Show

Hailing from Detroit, Shadow Show is a new sound in light of a new era...
Comprised of guitarist Ava East, bassist Kate Derringer, and drummer Kerrigan Pearce, Shadow Show debuted in 2018. Sleek and spellbinding, the music sweeps you into its psychedelic grooves and dazzling harmonies. Shadow Show pushes the boundaries of what can be, yet remains deeply rooted in the raw, untouchable detroit sound.

Shadow Show began during a transitional time for their city. As the surrounding landscape changed, so did the soundscape the people of detroit had created for themselves. Shadow Show, in its truest form, represents the love of a time long lost and the will of a time not yet discovered…a power trio of a mysterious hue, Shadow Show combines elements of 60’s garage-psychedelia into a 21st century modern pop-art incarnation. They project a vision to the world in their display: a spectacle of light as curious as shadow.

Safety Meeting (Albany)

Garage rockers as snotty and catchy as they come, would have fit right in on Crypt Records in the 90s